I have these domain class:
class Product {
Manufacture manufacture
Model model
Category category
int price
String productCondition
String productDescription
class Manufacture {
String manufactureName
static hasMany = [products:Product, models:Model]
class Model {
Manufacture manufacture
String modelName
static hasMany = [products:Product]
class Category {
String categoryName
static hasMany = [products:Product];
I am wondering if I need a Manufacture class, Model class, and Category class or if I can just use a String manufacture, etc.. Is there any advantage to having those additional domain classes than just having String manufacture, etc when it comes to searching? Say I want all products that are manufactured by Ford, or all products that are category car. I am confused on when I should make a domain class vs just using a field.
The choice between one solution or the other one depends on how you plan to query the application and adapt it to future changes.
You could use only a Product
domain class and with the appropriate database indexes on manufacture
, model
and category
String fields the queries would go fast. But with this approach you can not evolve easily your domain to add new fields to manufacture, model and category.
I always prefer the domain class solution because I don't know how the application is going to evolve.
And intermediate solution can be use embedded domain classes.