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Azure VM setup with Extension from Powershell hangs

I am provisioning an Azure VM using powershell script, and specify to inject a powershell extension. This behaviour worked ok last time on 1st June, but yesterday when I tried again, the VM in the Azure Management had a status of "Running (Installing Extensions)", and it didn't change after an hour at which point I gave up and deleted the deployment.

I have a very basic script for deploying the VM and also an empty powershell script that I inject (all this setup worked before):

$username = "VMUser1"
$password = "SomethingAsPa$$1"

$imagename = ""
$name = "unqvmname"
$serviceName = "unqvmname"
$location = "North Europe"

$fileUrl1 = ''

$vm = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $name -InstanceSize Small -ImageName $imageName
$vm = Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -VM $vm -Windows -AdminUsername $username -Password $password

$vm = Set-AzureVMCustomScriptExtension -VM $vm -FileUri $fileUrl1 -Run 'dummy.ps1' -Argument 'arg1_some_data'
New-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -Location $location -VMs $vm

The $fileUrl1 is a empty powershell file.

Running this will end up in a VM that gets hanged in a "Running (Installing Extensions)" status. Does anyone else happen to have this problem and know a solution?


  • Today 6 June 2014, all came back to normal. The VMs are being created and the extension scripts run with success.