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Subversion E160004 X's root node's predecessor is Y but should be Z

I've inherited a large Subversion Repository (74010 Revisions) and I am trying to perform a dump/load to upgrade the repository to the 1.8 version to take advantage of the space saving features.

Before attempting this process I ran svnadmin verify over the repository in question to ensure that the repository was in good shape. Unfortunately I received the following error message:

svnadmin: E160004: r1516's root node's predecessor is r1514 but should be r1515

I've done a lot of googling to try and find the meaning of this error, but have been unable to find information for this specific error outside of a bug that apparently only occurred for new repositories. Unfortunately it also appears that this error number is used for several classes of errors.

I can verify that this particular revision is missing when I perform a 'Show Log' in TortoiseSVN, I attempted to do a dump to see if we might be able to get a dump, but unsurprisingly it failed.

This does not appear (on the surface) to have affected daily usage of this repository, however the inability to dump the repository is not a good thing.

My questions are:

  1. Is there something I can do to try and recover what history I can from this repository and start fresh?
  2. Is there a way to have svnadmin verify show all errors instead of just failing on the first error?


  • I met the same E160004 error, and I found the following two links helpful:[email protected]%3E

    So as for your Question 1, which I think you meant that you want to know how to fix this issue, "perform a dump/load cycle", as suggested in the second link above.

    Question 2, it seems impossible, as I read the help of svnadmin and tried to do that.