I would like to use bubbleGoogleMaps
to create a map of spatialpoints
with bubbles sized proportionally to their individual value. Anyways, that is whatbubbleGoogleMaps
is promising according to the documentation.
However, I realized that the bubble sizes are not propotional to their individual values, but only to their bin they fall into.
By default bubbleGoogleMaps
only uses 5 bins based on the quantiles, which easily results in very misleading maps, as the following example will demonstrate:
proj4string(meuse) <- CRS('+init=epsg:28992')
# we want to see one gigantic bubble for the first observation
# --> let's augment its value to 10000:
meuse$zinc[1] <- 10000
# However, there is no gigantic bubble in the following bubbleGoogleMaps!
# --> Bubbles are NOT proportional to their individual values!!!
m <- bubbleGoogleMaps(meuse,
max.radius = 100,
So I tried to create a workaround by augmenting the number of bins (=option 'key.entries') from 5 to 20:
keys <- signif(quantile(meuse$zinc,
probs = seq(0, 1, length.out=20),
However, this workaround does not work, we get an error here:
m <- bubbleGoogleMaps(meuse,
max.radius = 100,
Any ideas how to create a bubbleGoogleMap
with (individually) proportional bubbles?
Or does anyone know how to make the workaround with the option key.entries
The author of the plotGoogleMaps
package solved my problem. He confirmed that bubbleGoogleMaps
works with bins indeed.
For augmenting the number of bins to 20 we need to set key.entries
key.entries= quantile(meuse@data[, 'zinc'], (1:20)/20)
or for unique values
key.entries= unique(sort(meuse$zinc))
This is what I originally wanted. However, the legend is now getting very messy/massive or even not functioning anymore...