there's anyone can help me with my i'm new in and i want to know how to add data in mysql database using n-tier in this is may current code in adding data:
Data Layer:
Public Function addData() As DataTable
Dim myCommand As String = "Insert Into tblItems VALUES (@Itemcode, @Itemname, @Itemdescription, @Itemtype, @Itempricing, @Itemonstock, @Itemprice, @Datemod)"
Dim sda As New MySqlDataAdapter(myCommand, con)
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable
Return dt
End Function
sorry for my code. i really don't know how can i use that in BLL and PL. please help me. i really want to learn from all of you guys..
PS: sorry for my english i'm a 14 yr old and i want to learn programming. i did a research but i can't find what i'm really looking for. thanks in advance.
To insert a new record in a datatable you need to execute a command and provide the values to be sent to the database table.
You need something like this.
Public Function addData(itmCode as String, itmName as String.... omitted the other values) As Integer
Dim myCommand As String = "Insert Into tblItems VALUES " & _
"(@Itemcode, @Itemname, @Itemdescription, " & _
"@Itemtype, @Itempricing, @Itemonstock, @Itemprice, @Datemod)"
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(myCommand, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ItemCode", itmCode)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ItemName", itmName)
.... other parameters for the other values to insert will follow....
Dim rowInserted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
return rowInserted
End Function
This requires that you pass to the function the values through a set of variables which values are added to the parameter collection of the command and finally execute the command.
The execution returns the number of records inserted/changed/deleted.
Notice also that your query doesn't specify a field list, so you need to pass the values to update every single field in the underlying datatable with the exact order.