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DFP not serving Ads for Google Nexus7 using SmartBanner

I am using DFP in Android. It is delivering ads for mobile emulators but it is not delivering the ads for Google Nexus 7 (1920x1200 with 320 dpi) device.

Below is the code which I am using.

final FrameLayout adLayout = (FrameLayout) activity.findViewById(;
        PublisherAdView adView = new PublisherAdView(activity);
        adView.setAdListener(new DFPAdvertisementListener(adView, adLayout)); //Set the AdListener to listen for standard ad events.
        adLayout.addView(adView); //Add the adView to it.
        adView.loadAd(new PublisherAdRequest.Builder().build());

Order Sizes which I am using in DFP server is below.

320x50 360x50 468x50 720x107 728x90 768x90 800x90

But none of them is delivering in the app. It simply says noFill from server.

But the ads are delivering if I test in the Google Nexus 7 (1920x1200 with 240 dpi).

Please advice me to fix it.


  • I have fixed this problem. The real issue is The nexus and Kindle fire devices are converting the uploaded images into 2x density. Then it gives the exact support.
