I have a very long code that a server creates. Here is the code that is used:
AllGameData = "{\"queueId\":" + queueId + ",\"isRanked\"."+ isRanked + ",\"rankedTeamName\":\"" + rankedTeamName + "\",\"mapId\":" + mapId + ",\"gameTypeConfigId\":" + gameTypeConfigId + ",\"gameMode\":\"" + gameMode + ",\"gameType\":\"" + gameType + "\"}";
The client has to convert this string into a shorter string that only contains:
mapId: [int mapId]
gameMode: [string gameMode]
gameType: [string gameType]
If statements won't work because these are randomized. I am not in power of the server so I can not change the method that it creates the string
You can convert that string on the jsonObject that represent it. And after that make your own string. Take the newtonsoft from nuget repository.
using Newtonsoft.Json; // This is the namespace of Newtonsoft.
// this are the lines
dynamic gameDataObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(AllGameData);
var newStr = string.Format("{{\"mapId\":\"{0}\", \"gameMode\":\"{1}\", \"gameType\":\"{2}\"}}", gameDataObj.mapId, gameDataObj.gameMode, gameDataObj.gameType);