The problem: I have two fixed width strings from an external system. The first contains the base characters (like a-z), the second (MAY) contain diacritics to be appended to the first string to create the actual characters.
string asciibase = "Dutch has funny chars: a,e,u";
string diacrits = " ' \" \"";
//no clue what to do
string result = "Dutch has funny chars: á,ë,ü";
I could write a massive search and replace for all characters + different diacritics but was hoping for something a bit more elegant.
Somebody have a clue how to fix this one? Tried it with calculating the decimal values, using string.Normalize (c#) but no results. Also Google didn't really turn up with something.
I cannot find an easy solution except using lookup tables:
public void TestMethod1()
string asciibase = "Dutch has funny chars: a,e,u";
string diacrits = " ' \" \"";
var merged = DiacritMerger.Merge(asciibase, diacrits);
[EDIT: Simplified code after suggestions in the answers from @JonB and @Oliver]
public class DiacritMerger
static readonly Dictionary<char, char> _lookup = new Dictionary<char, char>
{'\'', '\u0301'},
{'"', '\u0308'}
public static string Merge(string asciiBase, string diacrits)
var combined = asciiBase.Zip(diacrits, (ascii, diacrit) => DiacritVersion(diacrit, ascii));
return new string(combined.ToArray());
private static char DiacritVersion(char diacrit, char character)
char combine;
return _lookup.TryGetValue(diacrit, out combine) ? new string(new [] {character, combine}).Normalize()[0] : character;