I have this grid in my MVC app. I want to add a column at the beginning, that allows the user to select rows and then on the POST method I will get the info of the rows selected. Also I want to add a main checkbox in the header that allows to select all checkboxes(rows) on the table.
This is what I have:
.SetJsonReader(new MvcJqGrid.DataReaders.JsonReader { Id="ID", RepeatItems = false})
.AddColumn(new Column("<input type=checkbox editable=true>").SetFormatter(Formatters.Checkbox)
.AddColumn(new Column("Identifier")
.SetLabel("Team Code")
.AddColumn(new Column("ClientName")
.SetLabel(Html.DisplayColumnNameFor(Model, m => m.Client.ClientName, typeof(Client)).ToHtmlString()))
.AddColumn(new Column("Name")
.AddColumn(new Column("IsActive")
.SetSearchTerms(new string[] { "Active", "Deactivated", })
.SetUrl(Url.Action("Search", "CaseTeam"))
.SetRowList(new int[]{10,15,20,50})
.SetSortName("Identifier") )
What I see is all the checkboxes I want but:
I dont know whats going on, any ideas?
Solved it adding
My error was trying to add the column for that, when there is an attribute that does that already.