This is inspired by/taken from this thread:
The Problem
Assume the user gives you a numeric input ranging from 1 to 7. Input should be taken from the console, arguments are less desirable.
When the input is 1, print the following:
Values greater than one should generate multiples of the pattern, ending with the one above, but stacked symmetrically. For example, 3 should print the following:
*********** *********** ***********
********* ********* *********
******* ******* *******
***** ***** *****
*** *** ***
* * *
*********** ***********
********* *********
******* *******
***** *****
*** ***
* *
Bonus points if you print the reverse as well.
*********** ***********
********* *********
******* *******
***** *****
*** ***
* *
* *
*** ***
***** *****
******* *******
********* *********
*********** ***********
Can we try and keep it to one answer per language, that we all improve on?
Assembler, 165 bytes assembled
Build Instructions
)a86 triforce.asm
to runThis was developed using the standard WinXP DOS box (Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt). It should work with other DOS emulators.
Assemble using A86 and requires WinXP DOS box to run the .COM file it produces. Press 'q' to exit, keys 1-7 to draw the output.
l20:mov ah,7
int 21h
cmp al,'q'
je ret
sub al,'0'
cmp al,1
jb l20
cmp al,7
ja l20
mov [l0-1],al
mov byte ptr [l7+2],6
jmp $+2
mov ah,2
mov ch,0
mov bh,3
l0:mov bl,1
l1:mov dh,0
l3:cmp dh,ch
je l2
mov dl,32
int 21h
inc dh
jmp l3
l2:mov dh,bh
l6:mov cl,12
l5:mov dl,42
cmp cl,bl
ja l4
mov dl,32
cmp dh,1
je l21
l4:int 21h
dec cl
jnz l5
l21:dec dh
jnz l6
mov dl,10
int 21h
mov dl,13
int 21h
l10:inc ch
l9:add bl,2
l7:cmp ch,6
jne l1
l13:add byte ptr [l7+2],6
l11:dec bh
l12:cmp bh,0
jne l0
xor byte ptr [l0+1],10
xor byte ptr [l9+1],40
xor byte ptr [l10+1],8
xor byte ptr [l13+1],40
sub byte ptr [l7+2],12
mov dh,[l0-1]
inc dh
xor [l12+2],dh
xor byte ptr [l11+1],8
xor byte ptr [l1+1],1
inc bh
cmp byte ptr [l0+1],11
je l0
jmp l20
It uses lots of self-modifying code to do the triforce and its mirror, it even modifies the self-modifying code.