I am trying to configure with ansible my EC2 instances dynamically. I am having a problem working out how to find my RDS instances. I can set key tags but ansible ec2.py doesn't pick them up (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/7564). Does any one have any suggestions?
So for instance I want an RDS instance for production, staging and for just for testing.
If you mean the ansible ec2.py inventory script doesn't pick up RDS instances then yes I believe you're right, it will only find EC2 instances.
We have a similar setup with a seperate RDS instance for staging and production environments. The way we solved it was for any playbooks/roles that need to run against the mysql database, we run them against the magic host "localhost", and have the RDS endpoints set in variables. We use a separate variable file per environment and load them in at the beginning of the play.
| |--staging.yml
| |--production.yml
Example "production.yml" file:
DB_SERVER: database-endpoint.cls4o6q35lol.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com
DB_PORT: 3306
DB_USER: dbusername
DB_PASSWORD: dbpassword
Example playbook that creates a database
- name: Playbook name
hosts: localhost
- vars/{{ env }}.yml
- mysql_db: login_host={{ DB_SERVER }}
login_user={{ DB_USER }}
login_password={{ DB_PASSWORD }}
login_port={{ DB_PORT }}
Then you can just specifiy the envionrment variable when you run the playbook.
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars "env=production"