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Tables in glade

I'm making a GUI application with gtk2hs. Most of the GUI is designed in Glade. I now need a table to show some data. The problem is, that I can't find the table in glade. I searched in the Container category, but only found a "Grid". However I couldn't find a Grid in the documentation of gtk2hs, but I need the castTo* function for the grid to use it.

I'm now wondering where the Table in glade is or how I can use the grid in gtk2hs.

My glade version: 3.18.2
My gtk2hs version:


  • In GTK, tables are a way of arranging widgets on a window. There are also boxes, notebooks etc. They can't be used to display data.

    For showing data, you need a TreeView and a TreeModel.

    You store your data in a TreeModel, typically a ListStore or a TreeStore, and use a TreeView to show the data as rows with columns (from a ListStore) or as a tree (TreeStore).

    If you modify the data in the TreeModel, the TreeView updates itself accordingly.


    • Several TreeViews can share a TreeModel, and they can display different data columns, or the same data columns in different formats.
    • TreeViews can filter data rows automatically (using TreeModelFilter).
    • They can also sort data rows automatically (using TreeModelSort).
    • And they support drag & drop.

    Finally, through the TreeView you can react to user interaction (mouse clicks, cell and/or node edition etc.).