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Heroku Deployment from multiple win7 64 machines

First of all, I read this question but I still have problems with deploying from multiple machines.

From work everything works like a charm, but from home-machine I have problem pushing to same Heroku app. Both machines are Win7 64, IDE is Rubymine (jumping between integrated git gui and terminal - but no problems with that), Ruby200 and devkit both 32 and 64 (but on separate machines), .ssh keys in C:/users/.ssh/ (on both machines). Git stuff is also working like a charm on both machines. Same heroku acc.

On home machine when I $ heroku keys it lists 2 keys like it should (for work and home machine). Then when I $ git remote add heroku [email protected]:my-app.git I get fatal saying that I already have that remote repository on this machine. I check for remotes $ git remote -v and it lists 2 reps (both github and heroku), like it should, but when I $ git push heroku I get:

Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists. 

I tried deleting keys, generating new ones both with ssh-keygen -t rsa and heroku keys:add to create after previously removing one and with no luck. Even added it with heroku keys:add C:/ if that specificity even mater.

I know that I can 'cheat' this out with DropBox but I'd rather avoid them and go this way, pulling from Github. Thank you in advance, if more info is needed I will provide it.

Edit: I tried $ heroku create project-with-another-name to create heroku app with same code and it goes through. After I check for that remote via $ git remote -v I don't see it (only old ones), but when I tried to add it with $ git remote add heroku ..., it said to me that remote allready exist and I can see it in Heroku dashboard. $ git push heroku master gives me same error as before.


  • Solution:

    # Generate key 
    ssh-keygen -t rsa 
    # Start of ssh-agent (I missed this step and
    # it didn't added key to my machine even though it 
    # created file. In order to do: ssh-add C:/path/to/id_rsa_key 
    # I needed to start ssh-agent) 
    eval $(ssh-agent)
    # Then add private key
    ssh-add C:/path/to/id_rsa_key 
    cd C:/project
    # And finaly send public key to heroku
    heroku keys:add C:/path/to/