I have a piece of hardware connected to an FMC, I know for a fact that there is a design fault and the hardware has a polarity inversion along the FMC pins. I want to simply try and quickly correct for this.
I tried doing it in the project, on the LVDS buffers, the inputs were connected to a "not" to try and flip them, this gave me this error for the pins:
NgdBuild:925 - input net 'usr/fmc2_map/la[0].fmc_la_buf/io_n_INV_1415_o'
is connected to the incorrect side of buffer(s):
Next I tried editing the UCF file:
NET "fmc2_la_n[0]" LOC = G20 ; # IO_L10N_MRCC_26
NET "fmc2_la_p[0]" LOC = F21 ; # IO_L10P_MRCC_26
NET "fmc2_la_n[1]" LOC = H20 ; # IO_L11N_SRCC_26
NET "fmc2_la_p[1]" LOC = H19 ; # IO_L11P_SRCC_26
I tried swapping over the n and p, I'm told that I'm inverting the polarity (which is what I want to do) and it tells me to add this:
But where do I add this, or how do I disable these messages?
For the weary traveller....
Type this into the command line before launching ise: