I had Delphi 2010, but for some reasons I had to uninstall it, then install Delphi 2007.
After that I had to build some packages, that end up with these errors, knowing that on my pc at work they build without errors.
This error only occurs when I'm providing an Output Directory for the project to be built in.
These are the errors:
Would the problem be because of Delphi's version?
Problem was solved. It was due to an environment variable called PLATFORM.
You can see that this is conditional on PLATFORM being set to AnyCPU. If you have PLATFORM set to anything other than AnyCPU the condition will not be met and the Output path will not be set.
You can override environment variables in the IDE via the following steps:
Choose Tools | Options. In the resulting dialog box, select Environment Variables node in the tree. Locate PLATFORM. Click on the Add Override… button. In the Variable Value field, type AnyCPU. Click OK in both dialogs and restart the IDE. The output path will now be respected.