This is serious problem.
In GWT, making your url bookmarkable is important. Thus we may have a very long parameter in the url, but IE can only handle url length that is about 2000 characters or less.
So a url can work ok in Chrome but when ran under IE it got chopped off & thus will corrupt the parameter.
So, do you have any idea how to deal with it?
A situation like yours sounds like the result of poor design; you're using the wrong tool for the job. The URL is not meant as a place to store data, but rather as an identifier (or a locator) for that data.
Try to store the parameters elsewhere. Where? That depends. On the server: in the session or in a database. On the client: in cookies or in localStorage
. You mention "history" in the comments—if the IE you're targeting is version 10 or greater, you can even store state objects using the history