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karma.conf.js does not exist! nodejs error

I created an angular app with yoeman scaffolding tool, using the command:

yo angular

when I run grunt serve it outputs my app fine, its when I run grunt that I get

Running "karma:unit" (karma) task ERROR [config]: File /home/ubuntu/karma.conf.js does not exist!

the file is not there but shouldn't this be generated when karma was installed ?

Versions I am running:

npm 1.4.9

yo 1.1.2

bower 1.3.4

node v0.10.28 (I read somewhere this version is best instead of the new one for yoeman)


  • There are apparently some bugs in the current version of the Angular generator. Here's what I did to fix what it generated:

    1. In Gruntfile.js, change the path of karma.conf.js to test/karma.conf.js.
    2. Fix syntax errors and missing sections in karma.conf.js. See this Gist: