I have texture (background image) and i trying draw antialiasing lines.
If i do these steps:
1) draw texture, draw shapes, glReadPixels() -> ugly lines
2) draw texture, draw shapes, glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE(), glReadPixels() -> slow performance
Can i make something like this?
framebuffer1: draw texture
framebuffer2: draw shapes, glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE()
then merge frame buffers, glReadPixels()
I would do this in three passes. First draw your lines normally with a frame buffer object with an assigned texture. Use this texture in a second pass with an FXAA (Fast approximate Anti-Aliasing) shader on another frame buffer object with a texture attached to it. At last you merge the resulting texture from the FXAA pass with the background image you mentioned.