I am trying to write a custom authentication module for the Remote Desktop Gateway API. However there is no example code of how to use it on the MSDN. I also have been looking around on the net for any kind of tutorial for writing a custom authentication module, but have found none.
I have found a few high level overviews of how RD Gateway works and how to set it up, and I can get the system as a whole working using Active Directory. However, I need to replace the AD login with a custom authentication module (the reason for the API), but I have not seen a single tutorial or working example code that implements the API.
Can anyone provide some working example code that uses the RD Gateway API? I have a strong feeling that I will not find any tutorials, but just seeing someone else's example code would help immensely.
Language does not matter, but as I have learned from my other question about this API it would be better if the solution was native instead of managed, but a managed solution is fine too.
Sample code can be found here -- http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Remote-Desktop-Gateway-517d6273