So i have this code,
var CityName = (from ct in db.ZipCodes orderby ct.CityName
where (ct.StateName.Equals(StateName))
select ct.CityName).ToList().Distinct();
SelectList city = new SelectList(CityName);
ViewBag.City = city;
which works perfectly fine, Now i needed some more conditions which fetch the correct result from the database. the query for that is this
select CityName from ZipCodes where StateName='New York' and CityType='D' group by CityName,AreaCode
now anyone please tell me how should i use the group by in this code, i tried but it gives me syntax error.
Also i tried creating a Stored Procedure
var CityName= db.sp_get_CityName(StateName).ToList();
but it populates the sp_get_citynameresult in drop down.
How can I solve this issue?
you have to do like this
var Result = (from ct in db.ZipCodes
where ct.StateName == "New York" && ct.CityType == "D"
group ct by new { ct.CityName,ct.AreaCode }into g
select new {CityName = g.Key.CityName,AreaCode = g.Key.AreaCode,g.ToList()};