I´m using the Taxonomy Control in my Webpart for selecting documents from a document library using MMD. I tried to set more than one MMD-Value in my WebPart Options but it is only taking one value. Below is my code with the property IsMulti=true
Is there anything more I have to do, to get a Multi value Tax Control?
Thanks and Kind regards
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl = new TaxonomyWebTaggingControl();
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.ID = "rel3DeptsTaxCtrl";
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.IsAddTerms = false;
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.AllowFillIn = false;
respDeptTaxCtrl.IsMulti = true;
respDeptTaxCtrl.IsUseCommaAsDelimiter = true;
rel3DeptsTaxCtrl.Text = webpart._Relevanz3;
From what I see in your code sample you have 2 controls - rel3DeptsTaxCtrl
and respDeptTaxCtrl
. The control that is added to the tool part panel is not set to allow multiple values.