I'm comparing two strings with strcmp in the following manner:
long t=1011;
char tc[10], tcr[10];
cout<<tc<<endl; //prints 1011
strcpy(tcr, strrev(tc));
cout<<tcr<<endl; //prints 1101
This gives me a result of 0, which indicates that the strings are equal. However, when I try:
cout<<strcmp("1011", "1101"); // prints -1 thats okay
I get the expected value of -1. What's am I doing wrong? I am using devc++ compiler version
It depends on how function strrev
is defined, If it reverses the argument in place then the result is expected because tc was reversed.
For example function strrev
can be declared the following way
char * strrev( char *s );
and the return value and the value of the argument will be equal.
Take into account that strrev
is not a standard function.