I have a class named Map
. I want to initialize a rectangle from the Rectangle
class origin: 0 @ 0 corners: 50 @ 40
inside the Map
. So, when I try in workspace as
myMap := Map new.
it should return me (0 @ 0) corner: (50 @ 40)
I have tried:
Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: 100@100.
but it didn't work? any ideas?
Look, if you want to initialise the instance variable, then you have to define it first:
Object subclass: #Map
instanceVariableNames: 'rectangle'
and then you initialise it:
rectangle := Rectangle origin: 0@0 corner: 100@100.
Now if you want to subclass Rectangle
, and want to initialise your map with 0@0 corner: 100@100
by default you do:
self setOrigin: 0@0 corner: 100@100