I am using ExcelApplication, not ExcelTemplate - so I'm programmatically doing a slight bit of formatting so it's just a super plain excel sheet - however, I presume my end-user would like to do formatting on their own so I'm keeping it light.
My header row is larger than other rows by measure of height:
foreach (Worksheet ws in book)
ws.GetRowProperties(0).Height = 25; // this works
ws.GetRowProperties(0).Style.VerticalAlignment = Style.VAlign.Center; // this has no effect
I have attempted to apply cell alignment in several different ways by now, and I can't seem to ever have an end result. Any ideas?
I have dealt with this by creating an Area
and then Applying a style to said Area:
Area headerArea;
Style headerAreaStyle = book.CreateStyle();
headerAreaStyle.VerticalAlignment = Style.VAlign.Center;
headerAreaStyle.HorizontalAlignment = Style.HAlign.Center;
headerAreaStyle.Font.Size = 13;
foreach (Worksheet ws in book)
switch (ws.Name)
case ("First Sheet"):
headerArea = ws.CreateArea(0, 0, 1, 2);
headerArea.SetRowHeight(0, 20);
case ("Second Sheet"):
headerArea = ws.CreateArea(0, 0, 1, 5);
headerArea.SetRowHeight(0, 20);
case ("Third Sheet"):
headerArea = ws.CreateArea(0, 0, 1, 3);
headerArea.SetRowHeight(0, 20);
case ("Fourth Sheet"):
headerArea = ws.CreateArea(0, 0, 1, 3);
headerArea.SetRowHeight(0, 20);
I'm sure there are other -- and better -- ways to do this, but it works just fine for me.
Note that the Switch
here is completely irrelevant to anyone but me. There are ways of doing in a more dynamic fashion, but these exports are static in terms of column numbers.