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Steps to ensure our TFS 2012 deployment is robust and recoverable from disaster

Our TFS2012 deployment is currently quite simple: Virtual Windows Server with TFS, Sharepoint, Reporting, SQL Server and Builds all on the same machine!

Is using the TFS admin console backup tool and/or backup of the entire machine enough to recover from a disaster?


  • There is no clear-cut criteria, you may take a look at TFS planning and disaster recovery guidance for a more comprehensive answer. Shortly, you must be sure at least that

    1. Backups are saved on different hardware, and possibly copied to a remote location
    2. Along with your backups you have the recover instructions and install packages

    This guarantees that you are able to recover, but it can take a long time, depending on the disaster impact (someone deleted a record vs. the server room has burnt) and the size of your data.