Iam using Restangular on the clientside with _id as Id field. Sadly Restangular generates wrong URLs, maybe you could say me where the error is?
Restangular.all('/users').one(id).get().then(functon(results) {
$scope.data = results;
After the user edited the data:
$scope.save = function() {
This very simple sample generates the following URL with the id twice. I have no idea what went wrong. :(
PUT /users/537283783b17a7fab6e49f66/537283783b17a7fab6e49f66
Solved it by changing the Request workflow of Restangular.
I don't now why, but this approad does not work:
Restangular.all('/users').one(id).get() ... result.put();
But this does:
Restangular.one('/users/',id).get() ... result.put();
Also it is important to tell Restangular that you were using _id instead of id:
angular.module('App').config(function(RestangularProvider, AppSettings) {
RestangularProvider.setRestangularFields({id: "_id"});