Is it possible for a user control to determine its "context" or its parent .aspx page in some way?
Right now I have a user control that is declared on a typical .aspx page as follows:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="ManageTitle" Src="../UserControls/ManageTitle.ascx" %>
The user control currently emits a textbox as follows:
<asp:textbox id="txtTitle" runat="server" MaxLength="60"
ToolTip="Describe the item with a short pithy title - most important keywords first"/>
The page_load for this .ascx file is currently like this:
Me.txtTitle.Text = SetPageTitle()
While some places in this web app need this (i.e. a textbox where end-user can type a "title"), I have other places where I want to show the "title" information in a "read-only" way. For example, rather than a textbox, I could use a label control or a textbox with Enabled="false" to prevent data entry.
I suppose I could clone this small .ascx file and append a suffix to its name like _RO.ascx or something but I am wondering what the best approach would be.
In short, can a user control get some sort of "context" from the page that declares it or is there an altogether better way to accomplish this sort of thing? Thank you.
-- EDIT UPDATE WITH THE APPROACH SUGGESTED --------------------------
Code added to the UserControl:
Private mIsReadOnly As Boolean
Public Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean
IsReadOnly = mIsReadOnly
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
mIsReadOnly = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Page.IsPostBack Then
'Leave the textbox alone
Me.txtTitle.Text = SetPageTitle() 'This is the original code
If IsReadOnly Then
Me.txtTitle.Enabled = False
Me.txtTitle.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Code added to the parent which invokes the UC:
<uc1:ManageTitle id="ManageTitle"
IsReadOnly="True" runat="server">
If you want to follow common patterns, expose a public property on your .ascx control (in the codebehind) that allows the containing page to set its state programmatically. You could create a State property whose value is an enum of available States (readonly, editable, etc)