In the picture I count the number of days between two dates excluding the extra day of the leap years.
How can this be done in SQL Server 2008 R2?
You could build yourself a calendar table storing one row for each date along with the extra information you need about that date. To support your query it could look like.
create table Calendar
TheDate date primary key,
LeapDay bit not null
Your query would then be.
select count(*)
from Calendar
where TheDate >= @StartDate and
TheDate < @EndDate and
LeapDay = 0
One way to fill your calendar table with some data:
with Numbers(Number) as
select top(11000) row_number() over(order by 1/0)
from sys.all_objects as o1, sys.all_objects as o2
), Dates(TheDate) as
select dateadd(day, Number-1, cast('2000-01-01' as date))
from Numbers
insert into Calendar(TheDate, LeapDay)
select TheDate,
case when datepart(month, TheDate) = 2 and
datepart(day, TheDate) = 29
then 1
else 0
from Dates
If you don't want to create a permanent table to support your query you can build one in a CTE.
with Dates(TheDate) as
select top(datediff(day, @StartDate, @EndDate))
dateadd(day, row_number() over(order by 1/0)-1, @StartDate)
from sys.all_objects as o1, sys.all_objects as o2
select count(*)
from Dates as D
where not (datepart(month, D.TheDate) = 2 and datepart(day, D.TheDate) = 29);