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Change the value of cell then concatenate into one row SQL Server 2008

So I'm trying to do several things at once and I'm not sure how to put them together.

My first step was to take multiple cells and combine them into 1 row based on id.

Select ACT.ID AS Activity

,STUFF ((       Select ',' + LE.Name AS [text()]

               FROM ActivityDemographicEthnicity ADE
                LEFT OUTER JOIN LookupEthnicity LE
                ON LE.ID  = ADE.ethinicityId 

                WHERE ACT.ID = ADE.ActivityID

                FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')

            AS Ethnicity

FROM Activity ACT

This works well and produces something like this:

ID    Ethnicity
123   African, African American, Caucasian
125   Caucasian 
128   NULL

BUT I would like something like this:

ID           Ethnicity
123          African American, Caucasian
125          Caucasian
128          General Market

Where I've defined new values via a case statement:

USE Main;
(Select CASE 
            When LE.Name is null THEN 'General Market'
            When LE.Name = 'African' THEN 'African American'
            When LE.Name = 'American Indian/Native American' Then 'American Indian'
            WHEN LE.NAME = 'Cambodian' Then 'Asian'
            When LE.Name = 'Chinese' Then 'Asian'
            When LE.Name = 'Filipino' Then 'Asian'
            When LE.Name = 'Hmong' Then 'Asian'
            WHEN LE.NAME = 'Japanese' THEN 'Asian'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Korean' Then 'Asian'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Laotian' Then 'Asian'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Vietnamese' Then 'Asian'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Armenian' Then 'Other'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Russian' Then 'Other'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Ukranian' Then 'Other'
            WHEN LE.Name = 'Other (specify)' Then 'Other'
            Else LE.Name
            End 'Ethnicity'

            From ActivityDemographicEthnicity ADE

            LEFT JOIN LookupEthnicity LE
                ON LE.ID = ADE.ID)`

Both queries work individually but how would I combine them into one query?


  • Give this a whirl:

    Select ACT.ID AS Activity,
    ISNULL(STUFF((Select distinct ',' + CASE 
                    When LE.Name is null THEN 'General Market'
                    When LE.Name = 'African' THEN 'African American'
                    When LE.Name = 'American Indian/Native American' Then 'American Indian'
                    WHEN LE.NAME = 'Cambodian' Then 'Asian'
                    When LE.Name = 'Chinese' Then 'Asian'
                    When LE.Name = 'Filipino' Then 'Asian'
                    When LE.Name = 'Hmong' Then 'Asian'
                    WHEN LE.NAME = 'Japanese' THEN 'Asian'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Korean' Then 'Asian'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Laotian' Then 'Asian'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Vietnamese' Then 'Asian'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Armenian' Then 'Other'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Russian' Then 'Other'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Ukranian' Then 'Other'
                    WHEN LE.Name = 'Other (specify)' Then 'Other'
                    ELSE LE.Name
                   FROM ActivityDemographicEthnicity ADE
                   LEFT OUTER JOIN LookupEthnicity LE ON LE.ID  = ADE.ethnicityId 
                   WHERE ACT.ID = ADE.ActivityID
                   FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,''), 'General Market') AS Ethnicity
    FROM Activity ACT

    You need to wrap the whole STUFF function in an ISNULL to catch the cases where an Activity doesn't have a corresponding ActivityDemographicEthnicity. And select distinct inside the STUFF to remove duplicates.

    SQL Fiddle