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Hex PathGeometry fill instead of drawing border only

I have a descendent of FrameworkElement with the following methods:

class HexVisual : FrameworkElement {

    /* ... */

    private PathGeometry GetHexGeometry(Hexagon Hexagon) {
        var geometry = default(PathGeometry);
        if(mHexGeometries.TryGetValue(Hexagon, out geometry)){
            return geometry;

        PathFigure figure = new PathFigure();

        int i = 0;
        foreach (Point point in Hexagon.Polygon.Points) {
            if (i == 0) {
                figure.StartPoint = point;

            figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(point, true));

        geometry = new PathGeometry();
        geometry.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;

        return geometry;


    private DrawingVisual CreateHexVisual() {
        DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual();
        using (DrawingContext context = visual.RenderOpen()) {
            context.DrawGeometry(BorderBrush, BorderPen, mHexGeometry);

        return visual;


When I add this visual to the Canvas, I am getting a filled hexagon rather than just the stroke (border). What am I doing wrong here that is causing the geometry to fill?


  • Not sure if I really understand your question, because you can't "add visuals to a Canvas", but maybe you just set BorderBrush to null or Transparent, or replace

    context.DrawGeometry(BorderBrush, BorderPen, mHexGeometry);


    context.DrawGeometry(null, BorderPen, mHexGeometry);