I am trying to trigger some code based on if the cell I selected becomes the first or last cell on the users screen. I'm not trying to capture the index value of the data array. Just the index value of the cell that is visible on the screen. I'm sure this to create an array of visible cells.
NSArray *indexPathsForVisibleRows = [myTableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];
But I keep hitting a dead end trying to then capture an index value based on that array. I tried to use a CGPoint and convert that, but I keep getting an error. Any insight would be most helpful!
As per the documentation for the return value of that method:
An array of NSIndexPath objects each representing a row index and section index that together identify a visible row in the table view. Returns nil if no rows are visible.
The array returned from that method contains NSIndexPaths
NSArray *indexPathsForVisibleRows = [myTableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];
for(NSIndexPath *eachIndexPath in indexPathsForVisibleRows)
NSInteger row = eachIndexPath.row;
NSInteger section = eachIndexPath.section;
UITableViewCell *cell = [myTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:eachIndexPath];
// this is our selected cell