I'm using Quickbooks' Hosted Paypage and I have, up to this point, managed to get everything to work except for the order information. I don't receive any errors. The paypage continues to work with or without the order-related code.
I'm unsure exactly how to go about this and I can't find any relevant examples. I assume that I'm formatting something incorrectly, but I have no idea what if I am.
Below is the relevant code. I took out the applogin and authticket, but those are correct.
$order = '{"Items":[
{"ItemSku":"NA","ItemDesc":"Party Hats","ItemPrice":"1.00","ItemQty":"1","ItemIsShippable":"0","ItemIsTaxable":"0"},
{"ItemSku":"NA","ItemDesc":"Extra Guests","ItemPrice":"1.08","ItemQty":"1","ItemIsShippable":"0","ItemIsTaxable":"0"}],
"EstDeliveryDate": "01/01/2080"}';
// I've tried with and without this line
$order = json_decode($order, true);
if ($NoErrors = true) {
// Intuit Base URL
$base_url = 'https://paymentservices.intuit.com/';
// Construct URL for Intuit ticket
$ticket = array(
'AuthModel' => 'desktop',
'AppLogin' => 'xxx.xxx.com',
'AuthTicket' => 'xxx-xxx-xxxx',
'TxnType' => 'Sale',
'Amount' => $Amount,
'CustomerName' => $CustomerFullName,
'CustomerStreet'=> $CustomerStreet,
'CustomerCity' => $CustomerCity,
'CustomerState' => $CustomerState,
'CustomerPostalCode'=> $CustomerPostalCode,
'IsCustomerFacing' => '1'
array_push($ticket, $order);
// Go to Intuit ticket URL
$ticket_url = $base_url . "paypage/ticket/create?" . http_build_query($ticket);
$print_ticket = file_get_contents($ticket_url);
Thank you for your time!
After rereading the documentation, I found I missed 'Order=' from the URL. I removed the json_decode line and then added "'Order' => $order" to the end of my $ticket array. That got it working.
$ticket = array(
'AuthModel' => 'desktop',
'AppLogin' => 'xxxx',
'AuthTicket' => 'xxxx',
'TxnType' => 'Sale',
'Amount' => $Amount,
'CustomerName' => $CustomerFullName,
'CustomerStreet'=> $CustomerStreet,
'CustomerCity' => $CustomerCity,
'CustomerState' => $CustomerState,
'CustomerPostalCode'=> $CustomerPostalCode,
'IsCustomerFacing' => '1',
'Order' => $order