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Ruhoh - Insert Tag every x items

I'm new to Ruby and Ruhoh and have I am trying to do something like "Rails each loop insert tag every 6 items?" but I am using Ruhoh.

Basically, I have a list of posts and every 3 posts I want to create a new row div.

I have looked through all the Ruhoh documentation and there doesn't appear to be an easy way to do this. I think I need to create a plugin in Ruhoh for a collection, but having no experience in ruby I don't really understand what I am doing. Any help or guidance in the right direction would be great,



  • I'm fairly new to ruby myself, however I think this solution meets your needs!

    Create a new file in the plugin directory called pages_collection_view_addons.rb (if it doesn't already exist).

    Add this to that file:

    module PagesCollectionViewAddons
      def chunks(n = 3)
        # Get all the pages
        pages = all
        chunks = []
        # Split the 'pages' array into chunks of size n
        pages.each_slice(n) { |slice|
            chunks.push({pieces: slice})
    # Inform Ruhoh of this new addon
    Ruhoh::Resources::Pages::CollectionView.send(:include, PagesCollectionViewAddons)

    In your template add something such as:

    {{# posts.chunks}}
      <div class="row">
           {{# pieces }}
              <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
           {{/ pieces }} 
    {{/ posts.chunks }}

    This will iterate over each of the chunks where each chunk looks like:

    {pieces: [post1, post2, post3]}

    Hope this helps.