I've made a very simple 'game' where a circle is created and when clicked a new circle is added and clicking the new circle adds another while clicking any old circles 'ends' the game. I'm going to have a simple endgame screen with a restart button. I apologize if the code is messy, it is for practice in FlashDevelop.
The problem is I am trying to call my "endGame" class function in Main but I receive the error: "(58): col: 5 Error: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 1." Line 58 is my call to endGame()
The weird part is that I receive the error even with endGame completely empty. I've posted both sections below and marked (**) the endGame call in main.
package Fun
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class Main extends Sprite
public var circles:Array;
public function Main():void
if (stage) init();
else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
// entry point
public function makeacircle():void
circles = new Array();
var addcirc:addcircle;
addcirc = new addcircle((Math.random() * 999999))
addcirc.x = 300
addcirc.y = 200
addEventListener(eventclass.LOOP, movecirc);
addcirc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, transition )
function transition(e:MouseEvent):void
addcirc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, transition);
dispatchEvent ( new eventclass(eventclass.LOOP))
addcirc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gameover)
function gameover(e:MouseEvent):void
for each (var circle:addcircle in circles)
circles.length = 0
** endGame()
public function movecirc(Eventclass:eventclass):void
var addcirc:addcircle;
addcirc = new addcircle((Math.random() * 1000000))
addcirc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, looper)
for each (var circle:addcircle in circles)
circle.x = (Math.random() * 600)
circle.y = (Math.random() * 400)
function looper(e:MouseEvent):void
addcirc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, looper)
dispatchEvent ( new eventclass( eventclass.LOOP))
addcirc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gameover)
function gameover(e:MouseEvent):void
for each (var circle:addcircle in circles)
circles.length = 0
package Fun
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class endGame extends Sprite
public function endGame():void
Without the call to endGame() the code runs perfect and everything I want occurs. I'm just not sure why the endGame function is claiming to require arguments.
We have several problems here.
First: you should ALWAYS use semicolon, not when you remember. Second: the cause of problem is you are calling endGame() as if it's a function
You have a Class endGame so this is the correct use of it:
var eg : endGame = new endGame();
From what i see you should learn a bit more about OOP before using Classes