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Dump X clipboard data with GTK+ or PyGTK

How do I paste HTML data from the X clipboard using PyGTK/GTK+?

I would need something like xclip, but with the ability to output clipboard data as HTML, not just as plain text. I'm using PyGTK, but I am not afraid of plain GTK+ in C.

I've read GtkClipboard and PyGTK's gtk.Clipboard references, and I've found this question, but I would need a small example to get me started.


  • Updated answer

    The original answer (below) used an old API, here is an updated version:

    import gi
    gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
    from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
    clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)
    text = clipboard.wait_for_contents(Gdk.Atom.intern("text/html", True))

    Note also that your application may use a different target than "text/html": you can check which targets are available with:

    def get_targets(clipboard, targets, n_targets):
        assert len(targets) == n_targets
        print(f"There are {n_targets} targets:")
        print("\n".join(map(str, targets)))

    Original answer

    Found it. I used something like this:

    clipboard = gtk.Clipboard()
    target = "text/html"
    clipboard.request_contents(target, dump_clipboard_callback)

    And then the callback function can simply extract the data:

    def dump_clipboard_callback(clipboard, selection_data, data=None):