My price is for example 10,00 € this price is for 100 g the customer can add any g in the quantity field for example 300
magento has now a subtotal of 3000, its ok but not for my needs here.
i need to do: if price & quantity is set, get subtotal / price quantity, set new subtotal
where can i put my modifications for this?
Thank you very much! Dennis
Edit and the third try of observer (not working atm, no error, nothing happens):
class Xyz_Catalog_Model_Price_Observer
public function __construct()
public function apply_quantity_order($observer)
$order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
$pricequantity = $order->getPricequantity();
if($pricequantity != ''){
$old_sub_total = $order->getTotals();
$new_sub_total = $old_sub_total / 100;
} else {}
return $this;
public function apply_quantity_quote($observer)
$quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();
$pricequantity = $quote->getPricequantity();
if($pricequantity != ''){
$old_sub_total = $quote->getTotals();
$new_sub_total = $old_sub_total / 100;
} else {}
return $this;
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Rather than overriding sub-total calculation function, I suggest to try events - sales_quote_save_after and sales_order_save_after.
You can get quote and sales in observer method by
$observer->getEvent()->getOrder() //for order
$observer->getEvent()->getQuote() //for quote
Then modify the subtotal accordingly.
Edit: It might be just hint how can you modify sub total.
Edit2: You have to add event observer in your config as shown:
For detail, have look on Customize Magento using Event/Observer