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Corpus build with phrases

I have my documents as:

 doc1 = very good, very bad, you are great
 doc2 = very bad, good restaurent, nice place to visit

I want to make my corpus separated with , so that my final DocumentTermMatrix becomes:

 docs       very good      very bad        you are great   good restaurent   nice place to visit
  doc1       tf-idf          tf-idf         tf-idf          0                    0
  doc2       0                tf-idf         0                tf-idf             tf-idf

I know, how to calculate DocumentTermMatrix of individual words but don't know how to make the corpus separated for each phrase in R. A solution in R is preferred but solution in Python is also welcomed.

What I have tried is:

> library(tm)
> library(RWeka)
> BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = 1, max = 3))
> options(mc.cores=1)
> texts <- c("very good, very bad, you are great","very bad, good restaurent, nice place to visit")
> corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(texts))
> a <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, control = list(tokenize = BigramTokenizer))
> as.matrix(a)

I am getting:

  Terms                   1 2
  bad good restaurent   0 1
  bad you are           1 0
  good restaurent nice  0 1
  good very bad         1 0
  nice place to         0 1
  place to visit        0 1
  restaurent nice place 0 1
  very bad good         0 1
  very bad you          1 0
  very good very        1 0
  you are great         1 0

What I want is not combination of words but only the phrases that I showed in my matrix.


  • Here's one approach using qdap + tm packages:

    library(qdap); library(tm); library(qdapTools)
    dat <- list2df(list(doc1 = "very good, very bad, you are great",
     doc2 = "very bad, good restaurent, nice place to visit"), "text", "docs")
    x <- sub_holder(", ", dat$text)
    m <- dtm(wfm(x$unhold(gsub(" ", "~~", x$output)), dat$docs) )
    ## A document-term matrix (2 documents, 5 terms)
    ## Non-/sparse entries: 4/6
    ## Sparsity           : 60%
    ## Maximal term length: 19 
    ## Weighting          : term frequency - inverse document frequency (normalized) (tf-idf)
    ##       Terms
    ## Docs   good restaurent nice place to visit very bad very good you are great
    ##   doc1       0.0000000           0.0000000        0 0.3333333     0.3333333
    ##   doc2       0.3333333           0.3333333        0 0.0000000     0.0000000

    You could also do one fell swoop and return a DocumentTermMatrix but this may be harder to understand:

    x <- sub_holder(", ", dat$text)
    apply_as_tm(t(wfm(x$unhold(gsub(" ", "~~", x$output)), dat$docs)), 
        weightTfIdf, to.qdap=FALSE)