Background: I've written a simple RUMPS/PyObjC app that at various points makes HTTP requests and pops system alert dialogs. Most of the HTTP requests are threaded to avoid blocking the main execution.
Query: In PyObjC you're not supposed to create alert dialogs in background threads (only the main process is safe to do this) so I was wondering if there was a sensible pattern I could use to allow child threads to communicate back to their parent to notify it that an alert dialog should be created.
As an example:
method defined, which call PyObjC functions to create alert dialog.popAlert()
.At the moment I have the child thread creating the alert dialog which apparently isn't safe in PyObjC.
I'm fairly new to threading/multiprocessing and the inter-thread communication examples I've seen so far seem to mostly involve child threads receiving messages from a queue-like mechanism, with the parent optionally blocking until the queue is empty. I haven't yet seen anything that indicates if it's possible to have the parent respond to a message from a child thread in the way I describe.
If doing this requires re-architecting, that's fine too – I'm not wedded to any particular multiprocessing approach.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Please let me know if I can provide more detail. Many thanks for reading.
Take a look at pyobjc_performSelectorOnMainThread. It might be what you need. Here's a contrived usage example:
class MyClass (NSObject):
def divideByZero_(self, arg):
return arg/0
def doit(self):
result = self.performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_(
'divideByZero:', 55)
print result
print "Division failed"
You can find it being used in a more concretely in this PyObjC example app. Check out in particular.