I have a Issues
Controller and a nested Comments
Controller. My Comments form is in my Issues Show View.
I'm trying to add a checkbox when commenting that would toggle the :closed => boolean
attribute on my Issue
<%= form_for @issue.comments.build, url: script_issue_comments_path(@script, @issue) do |f| %>
<!-- Form , etc-->
<%= form_for [@script, @issue] do |f| %>
<%= f.check_box :closed %> Mark as Closed
<% end %>
<% end %>
That obviously didn't work. How can achieve this ?
Basically i will put the checkbox right next to the submit button of the Comment.. So if selected, the Issue attribute :closed
will be set to True
The inner form you have there isn't a nested form (in rails terms), and as you've found won't behave in the way you're wanting because it's not really tied to the submission of the outer form.
One approach you could do, which would keep the comments controller from having responsibility of editing issues at the same time (which would be messy in my opinion), would be to have something like a comment_closes_issue
attribute on the comment. Then, when you save the comment, if comment_closes_issue
is true, then update the parent issue... It's still blurring the lines between the two models a little, but if they're closely tied, then perhaps that's ok in your application.
Edit - here's an example of how to handle that, assuming a Comment belongs to an Issue:
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :issue
after_save :close_parent_issue, if: :comment_closes_issue
def close_parent_issue
issue.update_attributes closed: true
Then in your view, you can just have <%= f.checkbox :comment_closes_issue %>...