I want to write (or find) a guide to effective bug reporting in a style similar to ESR's How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
What are your top tips for effective bug reports?
The bottom line is you have to engage some level of critical thinking when the bug is encountered. Once you've exhausted all possibilities that it could be your fault, write up a bug. If you find out its your fault, but the software you are using/testing could have done something more usable to indicate its your fault, still write a bug.
Also, to be a truly great bug-reporter, you must avail yourself to those testing the bug to help them recreate it. Its likely you've just "got the knack" for recreating that bug and there may be steps you are not conscious of. You can't just complain and walk away, participate in the process and help the team out by testing, recreating, and troubleshooting.