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Teaching myself Z/OS assembler

I’ve interned at a company that does a lot of mainframe work. Most of my mainframe experience has been using Java and Unix System Services. I’ve had some experience with the ISPF interface and C but none with assembler.

I’m graduating shortly and will be taking an independent study my last semester. I’d like to stick with the mainframe and was wondering what resources could teach me mainframe assembler.

Note that I don’t have experience writing assembler for any platform, but I do understand binary, hex, and have a theoretical understanding of registers.


  • I've been able to teach myself the very basics using the following material along with co-workers who I can ask questions of. For an easy way to run and debug basic assembly programs I use the Z390 emulator with the option allowing use of the assist instructions as well as the test option for interactive debugging. I've used this as the main introductory tutorial. I've used this class site as another reference. Finally these Share materials may be useful although I don't know how good they are since they aren't very accessible with my screen reader.