I have a class that I need in many forms, so I have declared it in a module.
Module modTTS
Public g_TTS As clsTTS
End Module
I have a Finalize method in this class:
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
Stop'this is never called. I don't know why
End Sub
I do not explicitely destroy the class when my program ends. I just wanted to silently let it slip out of scope. Is that not valid? What might be the reason why the Finalize procedure is not called?
Thank you!
According to the suggestions, I have changed my class to this:
Public Class clsTTS : Implements IDisposable
Private _Synth As New SpeechSynthesizer
Private _bDisposed As Boolean = False
' Public implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers.
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
' Protected implementation of Dispose pattern.
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal uDisposing As Boolean)
If _bDisposed Then
End If
If uDisposing Then
' Free any other managed objects here.
If Not _Synth Is Nothing Then
End If
End If
' Free any unmanaged objects here.
_bDisposed = True
End Sub
here's an example using the ApplicationContext Class - MSDN
also, Finalize()
might not be called before the application thread terminates, therefore, resources are never released.
You should implement the IDisposable Interface - MSDN instead. and call .Dispose()
method of your object on ApplicationExit
iDisposable is simple to implement, just add : Implements iDisposable
to your Class declaration, and intellisense will add the necessary procedures.
You can also dispose of /close objects in a FormClosing
/ FormClosed
personally, i only use Shared
members as functions, or to keep some string vars, but not objects.