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Apple Maps Hyper Links

Apple has a special URL that can be used for hyperlinks to physical locations, triggering the native Maps application to launch and render the specified location:

According to their documentation, the links have attributes for zoom level (z) and type (t), but it doesn't indicate what types of values these properties must be in.

For example, the links in this fiddle ( do not recognize the z attribute.

Is there any documentation, elsewhere, on the values that the Map Links properties can be?


The t parameter can be set to k for satellite view and h for hybrid view.

The z parameter appears to be ignored in favor of an automatic zoom detection.


  • I think that the link format was derived from googleMaps since the ios5- maps were based on google all the way.

    assuming that:

    • z is the zoom level (1-20)
    • t is the map type ("k" satellite, "h" hybrid) ... don't think m p or e are implemented by apple