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Error Compiling Synapse Project

I am trying to compile the synapse project from this code but I am having some difficulty doing so. I get the following error after running ./configure && make:

utils.vala:336.29-336.41: error: The name `FileAttribute' does not exist in the context of `Synapse.Utils.FileInfo'
utils.vala:337.29-337.41: error: The name `FileAttribute' does not exist in the context of `Synapse.Utils.FileInfo'
utils.vala:338.29-338.41: error: The name `FileAttribute' does not exist in the context of `Synapse.Utils.FileInfo'
utils.vala:339.29-339.41: error: The name `FileAttribute' does not exist in the context of `Synapse.Utils.FileInfo'

I have no experience with Vala so I don't know what the issue could be. I have installed all the dependencies necessary but it seems to be a problem with the vala compiler.

I installed valac 0.14 as specified in their README.

The reason I am trying to compile synapse from source is that there is an annoying bug in synapse right now which causes your shortcut settings to be reset everytime synapse is closed. Unfortunately synapse does not seems to be maintained anymore and I wish to fix it for myself.... as soon as I can compile it!

I am trying to compile this on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit


  • The GLib.FileAttribute namespace didn't exist until 2012-01-12. The first stable version with that commit was valac-0.16. That said, any version of valac newer than 0.16 should work, including the default version (which is currently 0.22.1).