I do the following:
public static byte Merge(this byte b1, byte b2) {
return (byte)(b1 ^ b2);
so I can call:
byteVar = byteVar1.Merge(byteVar2);
Now, I am searching for the inversion of this. I should implement an Unmerge-Method for calling:
byteVar3 = byteVar.Unmerge(byteVar2);
byteVar3 should now be the same as byteVar1.
I have tried:
public static byte Unmerge(this byte b1, byte b2) {
return (byte)(b1 & ~b2);
But it doesn't work correct.
XOR is a self-inverse - so you can just use:
byteVar3 = byteVar.Merge(byteVar2);
(I'm not sure that "merge" is a particularly good name here, mind you... you've just got an XOR operation. It's not even clear why you'd want a separate method for it.)