I have the following handler which I use for checking authorization on a given handler:
needsAuth :: Handler App (AuthManager App) () -> Handler App App ()
needsAuth x = with auth $ requireUser auth noUserHandler x
where noUserHandler = handleLogin (Just "must be logged in")
In Site.h
I specify a route like so: ("/transfers", needsAuth handleTransfers)
where the signature of handleTransfers is handleTransfers :: Handler App (AuthManager App) ()
There are only a few handlers on my app that have user submitted forms; I want to use CSRF checking on them, and I though it would be convenient to wrap the authorized handler with a CSRF checking handler, so I could change the route to something like this:
("/test", handleCSRF $ needsAuth handleTest)
Based on ideas in the snap-extras package, I've created the function handleCSRF:
handleCSRF :: Handler b v () -> Handler b v ()
handleCSRF x = do
m <- getsRequest rqMethod
if m /= POST
then x
else do tok <- getParam "_csrf"
s <- gets session
realTok <- withSession s csrfToken
if tok == Just (E.encodeUtf8 realTok)
then x
else writeText $ "CSRF error"
The compilation error is:
Couldn't match type `SessionManager' with `AuthManager b'
When using functional dependencies to combine
MonadState v (Handler b v),
arising from the dependency `m -> s'
in the instance declaration in `snap- s'
MonadState (AuthManager b) (Handler b SessionManager),
arising from a use of `gets' at src\Site.hs:106:20-23
In a stmt of a 'do' block: s <- gets session
In the expression:
do { tok <- getParam "_csrf";
s <- gets session;
realTok <- withSession s csrfToken;
if tok == Just (E.encodeUtf8 realTok) then
writeText $ "CSRF error" }
I've tried a number of different variations, but get compilation errors of different varieties... am I heading in the right direction? Is this the correct approach in Snap?
EDIT: here is some additional information:
data App = App
{ _heist :: Snaplet (Heist App)
, _sess :: Snaplet SessionManager
, _auth :: Snaplet (AuthManager App)
, _wmConfig :: WMConfig
makeLenses ''App
I'm initializing the session snaplet like so:
s <- nestSnaplet "sess" sess $
initCookieSessionManager "site_key.txt" "sess" (Just 1200)
EDIT #2/Solution... @mightybyte gave me the solution via IRC, which was to replace the realTok line with realTok <- withSession sess (with sess csrfToken)
, which worked.
Thanks in advance, Neil
Try this:
handleCSRF :: Handler App App () -> Handler App App ()
handleCSRF x = do
m <- getsRequest rqMethod
if m /= POST
then x
else do tok <- getParam "_csrf"
realTok <- withSession sess csrfToken
if tok == Just (E.encodeUtf8 realTok)
then x
else writeText $ "CSRF error"
The first parameter to withSession should be a lens, not the SessionManager itself.