In GNU Emacs on OSX, is it possible to assign key binding stroke to activate Mavericks full-screen mode? I see that there is a function toggle-maxframe
, but this merely maximizes the frame, and doesn't activate Mavericks' true full-screen mode.
Is it possible to assign a key binding to this action so I can use Emacs truly mouse-free, without having to use my mouse to click the full-screen button?
As of Emacs 24.4 (released on 2014-10-20), there is a function called toggle-frame-fullscreen
that's bound to F11 by default.
For earlier versions of Emacs, there is a little function over at EmacsWiki:
(defun toggle-fullscreen ()
"Toggle full screen"
nil 'fullscreen
(when (not (frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen)) 'fullboth)))