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My Slowly Changing Dimension in SSIS keeps changing when it's not supposed to

I have a SCD transform and when I rerun the same packages 47 records update even though nothing is updated. The only inconsistencies I see is that these 47 records begin with a number 01N, 10A, and etc. Also these all have identical business keys. They all have an ID of 729 for example.

How can I fix this to keep them from updating.

enter image description here

These are the attributes I have for the SCD. My business key from the previous screen is the ID.

enter image description here

This is the data. The only discrepancy I notice from this is the similar ID's and those records begin with a numerical value. The columns from the source are similar to the destination. ID is an INT and DESCR is varchar(200)


  • If Yard_Bin_Pile_ID is your SCD business key and the source has multiple rows with the same business key then how would your SCD decide which one to keep? Depending on the requirement you might need to add DW_Begin_Date to your Business Keys.