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Linux ''find'' command: File aging for special extention. Regex and mtime doesn't work together

My .sh file is like below:


FOLDER = '/home/Desktop/myUserName/My_monitored_folder'

REGEX = '.*xxx.yyy*.*'
CMD = 'find -regextype posix-extended -regex $REGEX -mtime +0h10m0s'
$CMD | xargs ls -Blatr** 

My find version is: 4.4.2

when I run this shell file: my purpose is to get some type of files(regex is just for that) that aged in that folder older than 10 minutes. Funny thing is that, -regex without -mtime give me back the files I need. When I use them together, it ends up in ls -Blatr

mtime doesn't function well. indeed mtime doesn't function at all. Could anyone take a look at it? I might be missing something thanks in advance for your time.


  • #!/bin/sh
    CMD="find -regextype $REGEXTYPE -regex $REGEX -mmin $MINUTESAGED"
    $CMD | xargs ls -lrt | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f6-9

    last pipes are to just get name and time from terminal log. I hope it helps everyone looking for this subject