I have a Spec window with several controls. When I click on the Ok button I want the window to be closed.
| m |
m := DynamicComposableModel new.
m instantiateModels: #(text TextModel ok OkToolbar).
m ok okAction: [ self close ].
m openWithSpecLayout: (SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [ : c | c add: #text ; add: #ok height: 30 ];
I have tried sending delete and close, but none worked. How can I close the window?
you can do this:
| m |
m := DynamicComposableModel new.
m instantiateModels: #(text TextModel ok OkToolbar).
m ok okAction: [ m window close ].
m openWithSpecLayout: (SpecLayout composed
newColumn: [ : c | c add: #text ; add: #ok height: 30 ];